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Our Mission

Studio Zero is committed to revolutionizing the gaming industry. Based in New Orleans, we blend creativity and technology to create immersive experiences that captivate and inspire gamers worldwide.

Stoned Drone Skills

The Stoned Drone: A Journey from Laughter to Dawn It all started one whimsical night with stand-up comedy under the watchful eye of a self-flying drone, capturing every chuckle and snort from the skies. This quirky beginning sparked a wildfire idea: envisioning a production empire where drones were the stars of the show, filming everything from their lofty perches. Thus, The Stoned Drone took flight, transforming from a simple gag into a visionary project. But why stop at comedy? The skies whispered of greater adventures. That's when The Stoned Drone morphed into something even more radical - an FPV Drone Simulator game in the works. Picture this: you, piloting a drone, weaving through a gnarly obstacle course like a surfer riding the waves of the air. It's about skill, speed, and the rush of navigating the ultimate aerial gauntlet. Amidst all this high-flying action, a serene ritual emerged - The Stoned Drone Sunrise. Every morning, without fail, we chase the dawn, capturing the sun's first rays over diverse landscapes. It's a daily tribute to the beauty that unfolds at the break of day, shared with the world in a moment of tranquility. Join us on this eclectic journey with The Stoned Drone, where innovation meets the horizon, and every day brings a new adventure. From comedy nights to the serene embrace of the sunrise, we're all about capturing the essence of the moment, reminding everyone that life, like the sky, is an endless canvas of possibilities.

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Our Work

Welcome to Studio Zero's gaming image gallery! Dive into the captivating world of 'The Stoned Drone' and explore our stunning visuals.